INCLUSIVE BREAK – The project concludes: a transformative impact of breaks

The Inclusive Break project come to its end, leaving a significant mark in the field of school education. Led by a consortium of partners from Spain, Italy and Romania, its main objective has been to revolutionize the school break through innovative practices based on non-formal education and fight against discrimination and exclusion. 

What has been enhanced? 

  • International expertise and collaboration of partners members of the consortium, 
  • Innovation and inclusion through the development of the handbook, including the analysis of breaks’ benefits and the video tutorials realization, 
  • Cohesion, active participation and active listening of students and teachers, 
  • A sufficiently solid educational basis of values to promote respect, tolerance and equality. 

Multiplier events, including the one organized by CEIPES and the partner school “Maredolce”, have been instrumental in disseminating the methodology developed and reaching a wider audience. The impact of the Inclusive Break Project has transcended borders, inspiring educators in different countries to adopt more inclusive educational practices focused on the holistic growth of students. It has been an opportunity for the Italian partners and the teachers of Palermo to exchange ideas and best practices. Besides, CEIPES and Maredolce tested together the workshops with the Maredolce’s students, witnessing first-hand the benefits of breaks. 

Check the website to discover the main project result, the handbook developed by the consortium to spread the methodology designed and incorporate that in schools. 

You can read more about the handbook here.

You will discover more about the investigation, the workshops and the video tutorials

Don’t forget also to follow the project Facebook and Instagram pages and Youtube channel. 

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