Inclusive break – The Italian event to promote the project results

Imagine a school where every student feels included, regardless of their challenges, disabilities, or social difficulties. That’s the vision behind the Inclusive Break project (project number 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000032638), an innovative initiative that aims to transform school breaks into inclusive learning spaces. On July 5th, CEIPES and the “Maredolce” school organized a remarkable event, marking a significant step towards promoting inclusion and equal opportunities for all students. 

The event was a resounding success, drawing the participation of over 60 individuals, including dedicated educators from primary and secondary schools. Their presence underscores the importance and interest in fostering inclusive environments within the educational sphere. The feedback received from the attendees has been overwhelmingly positive, affirming the need for projects like Inclusive Break. 

During the event, participants had the opportunity to see the material developed as part of the project, which includes an interactive manual. This invaluable resource is designed to empower educators with innovative teaching the benefits of the break, the designed methodology, workshops and practical strategies to create inclusive activities during school breaks.

The manual also includes insightful videos, guiding educators on how to implement the activities effectively. Additionally, it provides tailored advice on adapting activities to meet the specific educational support needs of students. All this material has been created to enhance the impact of the breaks, which are essential for the psychological and physical well-being of children and teachers. 

But the impact of the Inclusive Break project extends beyond the school walls. By promoting inclusivity and equal opportunities, this project is actively working to break down barriers, dismantle stereotypes, and foster a sense of belonging among all students. 

Now, the partners are going to meet in Valladolid for the final meeting and conference! To stay updated on the latest news and activities of Inclusive Break, follow us on the project website, Facebook and Instagram pages. 

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