CEIPES ETS – Employment Agency (EA)

A bunch of opportunities at your disposal

CEIPES ETS is an Employment Agency(EA), accredited by Sicily Region (D.D.G. 43152 of August 12, 2020) to provide employment services, enrolled in the specific online register. It aims at fostering active employment policies and it is entitled to carry out the following activities: 



It aims to support the user in analysing and enhancing his/her skills, focusing on self-awareness with regard to different needs;


Skills assessment:

A vocational guidance tool allowing the analysis of the skills acquired over experiences, as well as people’s interests and aptitudes in order to design and identify new paths;

Job support:

This is a service provided to young people, adults, unemployed and unemployable people seeking employment or re-employment, in order to detect job opportunities, as well as matching labour supply with demand.


Staff selection on companies behalf; 


Internship Placement:

Launching of extracurricular traineeships.  

The Employment Agency is partecipating to Youth Guarantee, the program concerning active employment policies addressing NEETs.

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