The third Transnational meeting of the Gamification of Employment project was held in Iasi (Romania) from 28 to 29 January. The project funded by the European Commission within the Erasmus+ program has the aim of developing, testing and implementing innovative methods of working with young people through the use of board games.
The project coordinated by the Spanish organization ASPAYM Castilla y León, involved four organizations: CEIPES-International Center for the Promotion of Education and Development from Italy, UEMC- Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes from Spain, GAMMA INSTITUTE from Romania and ROSTO SOLIDARIO from Portugal.
During the first day, the different partners shared the results of the workshops that each organization made locally in their countries. Each partner has identified its own target group and has involved it in the various workshops for the development of working skills through the use of board games.
During the sharing moment, interesting ideas emerged on how to proceed for the future implementation of the laboratories and on the results obtained during their implementation with the target groups. The partners analyzed both the positive and negative aspects that emerged by comparing the on the respective experiences of the partner countries, they reflected on the potential that board games applied to the various contexts.
A second point of the meeting was related to the analysis of the results, the partners thought about the most suitable methodology for interpreting the results obtained through the questionnaires filled by the observers and participants who took part in the workshops.
The second day was dedicated to the dissemination of the project, reflecting on how to disseminate the good practices that emerged through the use of social channels and the project website.
The partners discussed the structure and editing of the final video, which aims to show the highlights of each workshop and demonstrate the enthusiasm of young people to join new initiatives and how through the use of the game you can work on transversal skills, nowadays increasingly requested by the world of work.
During the final moment of the meeting, the partners met online to review the different tasks entrusted to each partner and to the next meeting that will be held in Portugal in May 2020.