“The Gamification of employment” (Proposal number 2018-2-ES02-KA205-011702) is a project aimed at testing a new methodology, which involves the use of board games. The main purpose is to help young people to develop those transversal skills, which today are considered to be an important key in the labour market.
The project goals are related to the realization and divulgation of a new methodology, with the purpose of:

  • Exploiting transnational and cross-sectoral cooperation to develop, try and apply, through the use of table games, the work methods of the innovators with young people.
  • Improving the involvement of young people to make them more employable, by identifying, training and assessing in them the most important transversal skills.
  • Increasing the transferability of innovative and informal methodologies.
  • Strengthening the strategic link between the involved partners through the development and dissemination of intellectual products and innovative work methods in the field of informal education.

With the aim of achieving such goals, the consortium identified two priority results between the different project activities:

  1. “The Gamification of Employment” – handbook for instructors.
  2. The Gamification of Employment – website

The whole methodology used in the project has been included in the “The Gamification of Employment” handbook for instructors. Moreover, the partnership explained the work to do, of the figures to take into account and of the correct way to do it in order to get some quality workshops, so that young people could take benefit from the methodology. Such methodology was tested at a local level during the project period through a series of target groups, which were carefully described in the handbook with the purpose of giving, also in this area, some useful tips to those willing to implement the methodology. Actually, the handbook aims to promote the methodology between instructors and youth workers. For this reason, the handbook also offers some of the feedbacks given during the workshops’ local implementation.

The handbook, which is the project first intellectual product, can be downloaded from the project website in 5 different languages.

ROMANIAN (coming soon)

The website, which is the project third intellectual product, aims to be not only a divulgation tool for the project results, but also an interactive container for the methodology developed by the partnership. On the website, in addition to the possibility to download the handbook, you can find also all the documents intended for the methodology implementation.

Moreover, the website also offers some advices for the instructors and some videos, which show in detail how each of the different workshops were realized. For those wishing to get more information, the website works also as a control platform, offering the users some piece of advice of an expert.

Click here to take a look!

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