From 19th to 24th October, CEIPES staff took part to “Working With Diversity” training, hosted by Centre for Creative Practices (CFCP) in Ashford, Co. Wicklow, (Ireland). The traning is part of the STAFF MELODIES: Meeting, Learning Opportunities and Dissemination for Educators and Staff, project number: 2019-1-IT02-KA104-061388.

The contents of the 5-day training program were about: “What is Diversity?”, the role in the worplace, diversity and inclusion challenges in an intercultural society, gender and importance of gender in the workplace, tolerances and intolerances, “does race or ethinicy matter?”, the rise of xenophobia and nationalism, how to implement a diversity handbook in workplace.

It was very important to reiterate some concepts on diversity, such as why society needs to put everything into categories (using the boxes metaphor), not everything should be placed in boxes, not necessarily.

The importance of this training is not only linked to the contents treated in those days, but to the delivery given to the participants to make themselves as a kind of ambassadors of these thoughts that must take care of the diversity in the workplace, to make it welcoming and accessible to every person, regardless of gender, ethnic background, religion or culture of origin.


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