We proudly share the news of the publication of the 2020 country reports published by EAEA European Association for the Education of Adults. The different reports offer a civil society perspective on the state of adult education in Europe. The country reports are based on the responses of 44 members from 31 countries and describe the diversity of experiences in the European adult education sector. CEIPES has made a considerable contribution to updates on the state of adult education in Italy to date.

The national reports can be read on EAEA’s dedicated website by entering the country of interest

As regards Italy, the new developments regarding the creation of a network of lifelong learning in the territory and the implemented strategies such as The 2019 Anti-Poverty Strategy, as well as the introduction of innovations for the recovery phase from COVID19 and the priorities that this phase should take and in the Italian path towards sustainable development are underlined, especially regarding The European Pillar of Social Rights, the Upskilling Pathways and the Sustainable Development Goals Agenda 2030.

In addition, the report highlights the role of the pandemic as a wake-up call to be listened to in order to improve and innovate adult learning pathways on the ground through a dialogue between institutions and organisations working in the field, seeking new focuses on which this dialogue should concentrate in 2021.

CEIPES team wishes you good reading!

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