CITIES WITH STORIES – Midday in Palermo: A city with a lot of stories

CITIES WITH STORIES brought together the past and the future of the participant localities (TR2016/DG/03/A2-03EuropeAid/167523/ID/ACT/TR). On 28 March 2022, following an expert tourist guide, a group of students and their teachers of I.C.S. “Monsignor Gagliano” (PA) and the Scuola Media Statale “Antonio Gramsci” – participant schools – experienced a historical city tour around the most iconic places in town. Palermo’s main trait relays on the layered eras of different dominations and kingdoms that occurred along the centuries.

Complementarily to the storytelling training, the historical city tour aimed to transfer knowledge about the city cultural heritage through an experiential approach to keep active the interest of the participants. Indeed, the initiative focuses on improving children’s historical knowledge, enabling them to act with the consciousness of historic preservation.

With the completion of the whole training (storytelling and historical), the project path comes to the final step, namely, the selection and award phase: 3 stories from Italy and 3 stories from Turkey will be awarded on 23rd April in Istanbul, in a final celebration day.

Check the project website, new stories will be uploaded soon. Don’t forget to follow the project updates and the relevant topic news on the Facebook page!

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