FEELIT – Spreading the project fundaments

Amidst the bustling streets of Palermo, a significant conference unfolded on April 8th at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia (CSC), centered around the integration of individuals with disabilities into the workforce and tourism field, CEIPES presented the Erasmus+ FEELIT project and its goals to an audience composed of people with disabilities, organisations and NGOs involved in disability and tourism field, members of associations active in the promotion of inclusivity in the workplace, and representative of the Municipality of Palermo. 

CEIPES analysed the reasons behind the FEELIT project, involving participants into a discussion about key points and key actions, moving forward with the presentation of what the consortium has already done and is keeping doing throughout the project activities, such as the need analysis, the online community and the other deliverables. 

The event attendants were curios and interested in the innovation fostered into the inclusive tourism, agreeing on the difficulties encountered by deaf people into the tourism sites. It was a great occasion to raise awareness about what is possible to do to change these circumstances, about career opportunities for deaf people and professional improvement for travel agents. 

If you are interested, visit the project website and Facebook page! 

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