Between 10th and 11th May 2018, Ceipes participated to second international meeting of the project “ITBL: Integration through blended learning” in Piraeus (Greece) in partner organisation IDEC’s premises.

The consortium reunited to discuss the results of the surveys from both students and teachers regarding the functionality of the online linguistic platform used in Spanish school EOI (coordinator of the project), and to give birth to the project website, containing all its informations and activities.

Partners focused in particular on the causes of the early abandonment of the use of the platform both from students and teachers, trying to create possible integrative tools or modifications with the aim of making the platform easier, intuitive and efficient.

Next meeting of Partners will take place in Palermo during 12th and 13th November 2018.

For further information about the project and to know more about the project development, stay tuned on this website or on the project facebook page.


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