PASSION FOR INCLUSION – The partners met for the first time in Berlin

On the 2nd and 3rd of February, partners met in Berlin to discuss the initial phase of the Passion for Inclusion project and the implementation of all the activities. This opportunity has also laid the foundations for getting all the organisations to know each other and to strengthen the network.

The Passion for Inclusion project aims to promote the training of actors who play a key role in the sexual education of people with cognitive disabilities and the development of professional skills of educators as well as the training of families of disabled people through innovative learning tools based on ICT.

It also aims to support people with cognitive disabilities through visual learning tools and promote the inclusion of sex education programs within the official education system.

During the two days meeting it was possible to plan the management and organization of the next phases of the project, which include:

  • Research cycle to identify the needs of trainers, teachers and parents of disabled people in the field of sex education
  • Development and implementation of a sex education model aimed at people with disabilities with the goal of bridging the gap within the educational systems of partner countries
  • Creation of the “Sexual Education Model Learning/Teaching Toolkit”. The toolkit consists of 3 different modules for the main actors: special education teachers; parents of mentally disabled individuals and mentally disabled individuals
  • Design of the P4I E-Learning Platform and mobile app

The meeting was extremely productive thanks to the participation of all partners. The consortium is also working on the visual identity of the project.

You can follow our official social accounts for news on the project: on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter!


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