Through the power of gamification, The Factory of ideas (2021-1-ES02-KA220-YOU-000028576) has the ambition to promote social innovation and entrepreneurship among the young people involved In the project and beyond, empowering them to shape ideas into reality.
Over the past few months, great emphasis has been put on researching the best practices and methods that could be turned into concrete activities, leading to the development of five virtual games based on five theoretical contents. The strategy was a success, as it allowed to bridge what young people can learn through reading complex documents – often describing new topics and how they can shape new approaches through acting, while having an entertaining experience on the table.
As one of the greatest achievements of the project, a tailored Learning Platform including all the above-mentioned tools has been developd and is now ready to use! The platform will be a precious tool not only for those individuals taking part to the project’s activities, but also for anyone else willing to explore the theoretical content and experience the gamification adventure of TFOI. The tool has been divided in five sections, each containing the theoretical part laying the conceptual basis for the practical game, and specifically:
1) A chapter on social entrepreneurship with a three-level quiz on the topic, unlocking a badge of achievement when completed
2) A chapter on creative Ideas followed by an interactive laboratory to complete
3) A fundraising chapter on social entrepreneurship development sided by a fun and Interactive Gymkhana experiencee
4) A chapter on education through gamification, culminating into playing a complex but rewarding escape room
5) A final chapter on how to disseminate social entrepreneurship projects, tested by a final escape room.
A pilot session lasting four days will be soon organised in order to prove the effectiveness of the tool developd so far.
Meanwhile, you can begin to explore the platform here.
Stay tuned for upcoming news!