The first step to create a new STEAM strategy


STEAM & DIGITAL SKILLS: searching for the new Leonardos (2021-1-EL01-KA220-SCH-000027823), is a project funded by the Erasmus + and implemented by a consortium composed by 6 Partners: Directorate of Primary Education of AKETH (Greece), CEIPES (Italy), Inspectoratul scolar judetean Iasi (Romania), Siauliai Youth Technical Center (Lithuania), OSMANIYE IL MILLI EGITIM MUDURLUGU (Turkey).

On the 20th and 21st of October 2022, partners from participating countries met for the second time in Osmaniye (Turkey), hosted by the OSMANIYE IL MILLI EGITIM MUDURLUGU to present their organisations and expertise; moreover, they started discussing about the implementation of the project activities and next actions.

The STEAM & Digital Skills project partnership will work to develop a platform that will include teaching scenarios with an interdisciplinary among STEAM subjects. First of all, it will connect different cognitive objects, and then, through art will connect the technocratic data of STEM with the cultural, human background, enhancing its creativity and skills of the student and creating, in the long run, the active citizen of tomorrow, a “Leonardo da Vinci”.

The project will attempt to overcome the limits between the previous knowledge of teaching and the now known learning of the student. In addition, the project will focus on creating new educational scenarios in the field of primary school (6 -10 years old), using modern learning strategies. Another goal to achieve is to develop all content with a common and user-friendly language for those working in education.

Specifically, this meeting was a great occasion to strength the cooperation between partners countries and to talk about the first steps of the project defining the methodology of the field research cycle.

The consortium is indeed already working on the analysis of the state of the art in the partner countries (Italy, Greece, Turkey, Romania and Lithuania) a general overview of STEAM teaching in primary school, and what are the good practices already active in the countries. This will allow the consortium to create a Guidebook, to start developing new innovative STEAM scenarios.

In addition, the partners visited several STEAM centres, available for the cutting-edge work of the Osmaniye School Directorate. Great opportunities for students participating in coding, math and physics labs. These subjects are always developed in a practical way, with the realization of innovative projects and practical exercises to better understand and instil all disciplines. 

Do not miss any update by following STEAM & DIGITAL SKILL project website and Facebook page!

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