On 13 March 2023, Water is Life European project partners from the participating countries met to participate in a training session on the importance of water, entitled ‘Water collection and recycling’. The training was delivered by Prof. Dr. Necmettin Polvan Ortaokulu from the Unye School in Ordu, Turkey. All the other partners – Institut Ítaca Spain Cataluña Sant Boi de Llobregat (Spain), Szkola Podstawowa im. 16 Pulku Ulanów Wielkopolskich w Grupie (Poland), Gümnaasium (Estonia), 3rd Pylaia Primary School (Greece), CEIPES (Italy).
All participants – e.g. teachers from the school ‘Maredolce’ in Palermo – took part in various activities, such as open lectures and visits to seminars for teachers and students. The main activities were: On the first day, Monday, the consortium met at the host school and, after the introduction, participants attended the RAINWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM workshop. An opportunity to learn more about how water-related systems work.
Afterwards, a visit to the greenhouse and how irrigation works was very educational. Over the days, activities were held with the intention of deepening the participants’ knowledge of WASTEWATER CLEANING, through workshops and group work. Several cultural visits were organised in order to involve the participants in water-related sustainable development goals. On the fifth day, an evaluation was made of the activities carried out. A group work session, the presentation of team results and a final round table discussion with the evaluation of the event and the awarding of certificates.
Follow the future activities through the project’s socials on Facebook and Instagram.