THE HEARTS OF YOUTH – A tool to learn more about dance and art therapy

With the end of May, in preparation for the upcoming Trainer of Trainers, CEIPES ETS, in cooperation with the other partners, is proud to present the first tangible result for HeArts of Youth project, the Collection of Methodology!  

This document functions as a precious propaedeutic tool for the core result of the project, the HeArts of Youth manual on how to use the project methodology. In substance, the aim of CEIPES and the other partners is to develop new exercises and techniques of dance and art therapy to be applied with young migrants to help their well-being. These techniques will be described and illustrated through the manual and the didactic videos, which will both be published in the following months. 

Currently, in preparation for the completion of the manual, the consortium has collected all best practices in the field of dance and art therapy across all partners, and has decided to reunite them all in this document, which also gives an introduction to both techniques, the benefits that they can provide, and a very brief history of them. 

By reading the manual, anyone interested in applying these techniques or any youth worker operating with young migrants can learn something about this wonderful instrument (if new to them) or deepen their knowledge by looking at concrete applications. 

Moreover, in the Collection of Methodology is possible to read the testimonies of youth workers involved in the project, to see their impressions on the techniques that are going to be applied in HeArts of Youth. 

Download now the Collection of Methodologies, and, if you enjoyed it, stay tuned for the manual and the videos!

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