STEAM&DIGITAL SKILLS – A New Era of Education: Palermo Hosts Inspiring Project Event

On May 22nd, 2024, CEIPES ETS successfully organized the multiplier event for the STEAM&DIGITAL SKILLS: Searching for the new Leonardos project, with project number 2021-1-EL01-KA220-SCH-000027823. The event was made possible through the cohesive collaboration of the State Comprehensive Institute “Maredolce,” which hosted the event on its premises and involved teachers from the entire urban area of Palermo. This facilitated a significant impact on the city of Palermo and its surrounding areas. The event was attended by more than 20 participants. 

The event began with an informative overview of CEIPES’s international and local initiatives. Subsequently, the participants were presented with the main aims and objectives of the project, along with the final results achieved by the consortium. 

The methodological framework developed by the project consortium was presented. The project’s “GUIDEBOOK” garnered considerable interest from the teachers, who immediately requested a copy. All the documentation presented is intended for those who wish to introduce or deepen their understanding of STEAM education and its methodological approach. 

Following this, the e-learning platform was introduced to the participants, who showed interest by registering during the event. The participants were able to access the project’s website and view the materials directly. The feedback received from the participants was extremely positive, as they expressed satisfaction and enthusiasm for the ease and intuitiveness of using these tools. They will undoubtedly suggest the materials to colleagues who were not present. 

The event proved to be highly productive, particularly when STEAM scenarios were presented, demonstrating their effectiveness in enhancing both intellectual and manual skills among students. The participants enthusiastically embraced the primary objective of the event. Their palpable excitement was evident as they expressed a strong intention to share the materials with others, acknowledging its potential to transform lives within their respective communities. 

For further information, please follow the project on the website, Instagram, and Facebook pages. 

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