SOLREM – CEIPES joined the Memory Forum on Antifascist Resistance on the 29th of April 2024

CEIPES ETS joined the Memory Forum on Antifascist Resistance, held by A.N.P.I. and Udipalermo the 29th of April 2024. A few days after the 25th of April 2024, when Italy celebrated the 79th anniversary of the Liberation, many young people gathered with their teachers at the Cinema de Seta, which is located inside the Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, to talk about anti-fascist Resistance. 

The event hosted the speakers M. Letizia Colajanni and Daniela Dioguardi, the representatives of the national ANPI and Udipalermo respectively, who discussed the Italian Resistance and the characteristics that distinguished the Resistance of partisan women. Likewise, CEIPES ETS has the opportunity to share contributions realized within the SOLREM – A Necessary Past: Remembering Solidarity and Resistance against Authoritarianism in Europe [Project Number 101091335]. The forum has been a great opportunity to promote and spread awareness of the history of Resistance and solidarity practices of women against Nazi fascism. 

Following the presentations, the young people watched the documentary about Alba Meloni, by director Nadia Pizzuto. The movie’s inspiration was born out of the fortunate coincidence of the director moving into the partisan old flat. In this way, the filmmaker traces the life of the partisan Alba Meloni, through interviews with people who knew her and shared with her various aspects of her daily life, such as politics, activism, as well as grocery shopping.  

Eventually, the event ended with questions from the students, who were very attentive to the forum and enthusiastic about the subject matter. Talking about anti-fascism and promoting the values of democracy, peace, and freedom through the history of the Resistance, particularly women, are the main objectives of the Solrem project. 

You can learn more about the activities and results of the SOLREM project, by visiting the Website

Furthermore, you can follow the social media channels of CEIPES to be updated about future events and forums: Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.  

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