SMART – Planning the upcoming workshops in Dublin

On 6th and 7th September 2023, the second Transnational Meeting of the ERASMUS+ project smARt – augmented reality technology adaptation in schools took place in Dublin, Ireland, hosted by INSTRUCTION & FORMATION organization.  

The project aims at increasing schoolchildren’s interest in STEM subjects and digital competencies development through augmented reality use in classrooms. 

During the meeting, the consortium reviewed the steps taken over the past months, from the involvement of pupils and teachers to the selection of key STEM topics. Thanks to this phase, the consortium will develop a total of 40 exercises in 10 different topics in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The entire consortium will be involved in the research and development of the AR exercises through ideas, comments and research. 

In addition, the methodology by which teachers will be guided through the Augmented Reality approach has been presented to all the partners. The guidelines will be presented to teachers, and they will give their evaluation so that the consortium can review it and develop the final version. 

In the coming months, CEIPES and BETI will be responsible for developing workshops with 5 students from each country in the project consortium with a focus on having the largest number of girls. The participants will be involved in sessions on graphics, data analyst, 3D modelling and Augmented Reality.  

Dissemination activities were also on the agenda, underscoring the importance of spreading the project’s message far and wide.   

To discover more about the project, follow the project social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram

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