SWING – Signs for Work Inclusion Gain 2.0

Project Number: 2020-1-IT01-KA202-008446
Timespan of the Project: 1/12/2020 – 31/05/2023

Project E-mail: info@ceipes.org


The intention of SWING 2.0 is following the steps of the successful SWING project and facilitating, with innovative and free own developed tools, the acquisition and use of basic sign language in different work environments where its use could enhance the integration of deaf community at different levels.


To develop 5 Field study researches and reports about different professional sectors: civil servants, Health workers, waiters, salesman and tour guides; including a compilation of the 100 most typical terms in those professions; 5000 videos recorded in 5 sign languages;

To set a video-dictionary platform with integration of those 5000 videos, 1000 images and 2500 terms in fingerspelling; to develop new SWING 2.0 app;

To develop training material based on simulation real environment in order to learn sign language imitating real situations

  • Final reports with most useful words to facilitate the communication with people with hearing problems in different important situations/job positions
  • Video-dictionaries and other features of selected words in 5 sign languages and 4 spoken languages
  • Innovative training course with practical activities to learn 5 sign languages (IS, LIS, LSE, DGS and ÖGS) in 5 work environments
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