Inclu-ageing – Training of family members and guardians for inclusion of ageing adults with disabilities

Project Number: 2021-1-PL01-KA220-ADU-000026916
Timespan of the Project: 01/02/2022 – 31/03/2024

Project E-mail:


 The project aims to:

  • Develop a toolkit on how to train parents and legal guardians of ageing adults with disabilities;
  • Develop a parental education guidebook to encourage and support parents, family members and legal guardians of ageing adults with intellectual disabilities;
  • Create educational spot videos for families;
  • Design a comprehensive online resource with a categorized database;
  • Prepare a policy recommendation report about the process of problem-solving related to provided services for ageing adults with disabilities.

The project will engage in the following activities:

  • Development of non-formal education materials for family members and legal guardians for the achievement of secure ageing and empowerment of full and effective participation in social life;
  • Through the development of the toolkit, of the parental education guidebook and of spot videos, provide tools related to:
    • Recognize the limitations;
    • Challenges and changes in cognitive and physical capacities, social support networks, physical health of ageing adults with intellectual disabilities;
    • Healthy lifestyle habits.
  • Set up an online learning HUB for family members and guardians of ageing adults with disabilities that will include visual tips, practical solutions, ABC guides, frequently asked questions & answers, videos, good practices and news;
  • Pilot tryout of the online learning HUB;
  • Development of the policy recommendation report.

The project will yield the following results:

  • Toolkit on how to train parents and legal guardians of ageing adults with disabilities;
  • Parental education guidebook;
  • Educational spot videos for families;
  • Online learning HUB for family members of ageing adults with disabilities;
  • Policy recommendation report.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
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