Creative STEAM

Project Number: 2020-1-EL01-KA227-SCH-094716
Timespan of the Project: 01/03/2021- 28/02/2023

Project E-mail:

Financial Program: Erasmus +, KA2– Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices

The project is aiming to:

  • Increase the achievement and interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) for students of secondary school through the use of art, in particular the theatre.
  • Mainstream the use of theatre techniques in secondary school education, improving the school performance of students that need more non-linguistic inputs.
  • Encourage the capacity of secondary school teachers to use theatre methods applying an integrated approach to teach STEAM.
  • Enhance the networking between secondary school teachers in issues related with STEAM.
  • The development of a methodology involving the theatre techniques for the teaching of STEM subjects.
  • The organization of training workshops and e-learning courses to train teachers on how to implement the methodology in the secondary school classrooms.
  • The effective implementation of the method in the classrooms.
  • The production of videos that will be practical examples of the use of theatre in the framework of STEAM.
  1. The methodology for the implementation of theatre techniques teaching STEM subject, through an integrated approach.
  2. The online trainings for secondary school teachers related to the method, improving their skills and competencies.
  3. A collection of videos as open educational materials that show the effective use of the theatre in the framework of STEAM.
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