CIRCULAR SCHOOLS : Towards circular schools through Inclusive Education

Project Number: 2023-1-CZ01-KA220-SCH-000157466
Timespan of the Project: 01/12/2023 – 30/11/2025

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The project aims:

  • To support circular economy practices at schools.
  • To encourage and inspire existing schools in becoming part of circular value chains with their municipalities. 
  • To enable schools to use circular activities at school as a bridge toward inclusive classrooms and overcoming differences. 
  • To enable schools to access diversified digital and interactive materials and resources about circular education. 
  • To promote the use of the project results and motivate schools beyond the project -associated partners to initiate their own circular education.

The project will engage in the following activities:

  • Research and Collection of Good Practice Examples among schools that are part of value chains connected to their municipalities, districts, neighborhoods or even regions. 
  • Development of Teaching Material focused on different areas of circular practices in the schools.  
  • Workshops for Teachers and School Staff in order to provide teachers with guidance on how to use the materials developed during the project effectively. 
  • Development of a Digital Platform to share resources focused on good practices of circular economy in schools. 
  • Internal and External Validation of the project preliminary results. On one hand cross reading and feedback rounds within the consortium and on the other hand pilot testing and surveys with the target group.

The project has yielded the following results:

  • Digital Document with 28 Good Practices developed by schools from at least 4 EU countries.
  • Circular Classroom Toolbox with at least 24 inclusive activities to make with students and introduce them to different good practices on circular economy. 
  • Self-assessment Tool for Schools to be able to assess the best circular activities based on their current situation.
  • At least 64 Educators and School Staff trained to introduce circular economy good practices in their teaching program. 
  • Resource-Sharing Training Platform (RSTP) for teachers, schools, and other educators.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
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