PRIDE NETWORK LEAD – Second Partners Meeting In Thessaloniki 

On 8th and 9th November 2023, the PRIDE NETWORK LEAD consortium launched the second transnational meeting of the ERASMUS + project Pride Network Lead (project number: 2022-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000087825) of which CEIPES is a partner. The meeting was hosted by the Greek partner, OECON, in Thessaloniki. 

The objective of the project is to create, promote and test a new standard for the professional role of the “Pride Network Lead”, which will support the inclusion of LGBTQ+ people in the work environment and which will build openness for Diversity & Inclusion within the organizations.  

The meeting was held during the Female Entrepreneurial Week in Thessaloniki, in which CEIPES participated, which made it possible to analyse different aspects of entrepreneurship useful for the project’s objectives. During the meeting, the partners discussed the work done so far within the Work Package 2- Profile, selection rules, and implementation of Pride Network Leader and the next steps within Work Package 3 Development of syllabus, manual, and toolbox for the Pride Network Lead. 

Within WP3, the consortium will develop 3 diverse outputs: 

  • A Development Program based on the standard of professional qualifications, divided into Training and Training Manual; 
  • A Handbook to organize the methodical activities of the PNL and to facilitate the start of the role; 
  • A Toolbox to provide know-how and tools enabling the PNL to effectively perform the new role. 

The session was useful also to consult on the next steps of the project to achieve its objectives and to maximize coordination among partners. 

To learn more about the project visit the Facebook and LinkedIn page and the website of the project. 

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