On the 22nd and 23rd of February, the PICTURES Project consortium met in Timisoara for the first time.
CEIPES ETS is glad to be part of this multisectoral Consortium that counts 15 partners coming from 10 Countries: Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece, North Macedonia, Portugal, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia Herzegovina.
The meeting allowed the partners to agree on technical administrative tasks but also on more specific contents related to the implementation of the activities. The project aims at providing tailored interventions, ensuring high-quality training and a common understanding of correctional pedagogy and the needs of emerging adults, and promoting a European-wide community of practitioners to share knowledge and best practices.
The first commitment in each country will be to create an ecosystem of professionals working in the correctional system who work with young adults as afterwards upon their pedagogical needs, new innovative contents validated by relevant stakeholders and professionals of the field also for the benefit of potential correctional workers will be built.
The consortium itself represents a variety of actors that the project intends to involve therefore is composed by universities, NGOs active in the field of justice as well as education institutions and prisons.
Thanks to a learning platform which will be developed after the educational contents will be produced, the results of the project feature a high transferability potential outside of the consortium’s countries.