LARPIC – Increase Youth Active Citizenship

On the 7th of November, in Termini Imerese at the I.I.S. Stenio, took place the activity A3 of WP2 of the Project LARPIC – Live Action Role Play to increase Youth Active Citizenship (2022-1-BG01-KA220-SCH-000085665) within the Erasmus+ KA2 School programme. 

The main objective of the project is to encourage young people to actively participate in the civic life of their country through the implementation of live action role play.

Indeed, we believe that role-playing can be a good starting point for young people across Europe to stimulate and encourage them to civic activism and to realise that their individual participation and/or action can make a difference.

The MiseHero Partner provided the materials for the prototype LARP to be tested on the target group (15 to 18 years old) and then proceeded with the creation of the final LARP.

Each partner therefore carried out the activity in schools and institutes to collect feedback from students and teachers.

In this case, one class simulated being themselves, with their teacher but in another fantasy context, within the Shadow City. The teacher then explained to her students that a journalist friend had been kidnapped for investigating hot topics in the city.

The students, by creating fictitious associations, solving puzzles, collaborating and expressing their own ideas, managed to find the name of the kidnapper and restore order in their city.

CEIPES ETS, as a partner in the project, carried out the activity at the I.I.S. Stenio in Termini Imerese, and Professor Di Martino guided and supported seventeen youngsters.

LARP achieved excellent results among the young participants, who completed the activity with great enthusiasm. The youngsters played their parts very emphatically and showed strong competitiveness while respecting the opinions of others.

The activity was a stimulating opportunity for fun and learning for everyone, which aroused great interest in all the participants, who showed a great desire to continue playing by also playing different roles and contexts.

The next goal of the project will be the creation of the LARP, with rules, scenarios and characters, so that it can be replicated by any school, institute or anyone who is interested. The LARP will be produced in English and in all the languages of the partnership to allow for wide dissemination.

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