ETN4VET – A warm welcome in Norway for the last Networking Event!

From the 13th to the 15th of May 2024, CEIPES has had the pleasure of participating in the 7th and last Study and Networking Event of ETN4VET project, hosted by the Norwegian partner in Trondheim. 

The SNEs have been, during the whole project, an incredible occasion to create European aggregation and cooperation among all involved partners. Moreover, aside from this European spirit of union, all SNEs serve the purpose of creating a network of educational and VET institutions, connecting experts across all Europe. The professionals of electric mobility involved in the project can, therefore, create an autonomous network of communication, exchange of good practices, and cooperative education, in order to improve the overall quality of VET training. 

CEIPES has directly participated in the event, presenting, with the help of experts, the most significant results in the Italian educational system concerning the digitalisation of transports and a transition towards more sustainable electrical means of transportation. 

With the 7th SNE, ETN4VET project now approaches its conclusion. CEIPES is proud to have joined this incredible projects and takes the occasion to make an open call for all people interested in these topics to join them in the Aventus platform, to share their views and gather information about the good practices that can be applied across Europe.

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