EMPROVE – CEIPES presented the progress to the Municipality of Palermo

On Tuesday 9th April 2024, the EMPROVE project was presented to potential professionals and stakeholders in an event titled “Invecchiamento e Benessere” (ageing and well-being). Among the participants there were members of the Municipality of Palermo, specifically responsibles for conciliatory policies, corporate welfare, equal opportunities and combating discrimination, as well as promoters of innovative good practices to protect health. 

In addition, the event included interventions about the implications of family personal care and equal opportunities, the urgency of administrative and bureaucratic support to family caregivers, finalising with the presentation of the EMPROVE project: objectives, activities, expected results, the EMPROVE Manual and the results from the pilot phase.  

This meeting represented a great opportunity to convey the values of the EMPROVE project, which are the next steps of the project, as well as extending useful learning materials for professionals concerned with social welfare.  

The EMPROVE project will continue to create impact and it is proving that the materials developed will significantly help improve the quality of geriatric care.  

Meanwhile, partners continue to work hard on the development of the e-learning platform. Do not miss any advance by following the project’s Facebook page, or visiting its website.

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