EMPROVE – An immersion into the well-being of Elderly

The primary aim of the EMPROVE project (2022-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000085071) is to enhance the quality of care for the elderly by developing an innovative curriculum for individuals interested in training to become Professional Relatives. 

In the current phase of the project, partners conducted pilot test activities to assess the effectiveness of the Manual’s content, identify potential strengths, and pinpoint areas for improvement. 

In Italy, CEIPES ETS organised three sessions: one at the CEIPES facilities on January 31st, and the other two at the nursing home ”Centro Madre del Divino Amore” on February 2nd and 14th. During these sessions, partners received valuable feedback on the EMPROVE Manual and the caregiving landscape in Italy. Participants ranged from 23-year-old students, older adults (family caregivers and professionals) to 90-year-old senior citizens. 

Following an introduction to the project and an overview of the caregiving situation in Italy, the EMPROVE Manual was presented, highlighting key concepts covered within. Practical activities outlined in the Manual were then undertaken by participants, who displayed keen interest and engagement in the topics discussed. 

Their enthusiasm was evident, reflecting a sense of satisfaction in finally seeing these important issues addressed. Conducting these activities proved to be a profoundly impactful and constructive experience for both participants and project staff. 

Stay tuned following the project Facebook and visiting the project website.  

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