D.o.D. – The latest online conference to checkmate fake news!

Let’s talk once again about fake news and disinformation: these are the main topics of the D.o.D. project – Democracy over Disinformation, co-funded by the European Union’s CERV (Citizens, Equals, Rights and Values) programme. The project aims to stimulate democratic debate among citizens from various European countries on the phenomenon of media disinformation and journalistic scaremongering. To achieve this goal, the consortium (consisting of partners from Lithuania, Germany and Italy) met for the fourth time to discuss the results achieved during the two or so years of the project and to take stock of what has been achieved so far. 

During the first international conference in Kaunas, Lithuania, the topic of fake news and disinformation was explored with the local population and a professor who is an expert on the subject. At the second conference, held in Palermo, Italy, on 24 February 2023, local citizens were confronted with journalists, reporters and professors in the field of graphics. At the third conference, held in two parts (the first part on 24 June 2023 in Berlin and the second on 31 October of the same year in Potsdam), the concepts were consolidated. During this last conference (attended by more than 100 participants on the Teams platform) the consortium of the project had the opportunity to show the outcomes: the results of the surveys about disinformation; the results of the conferences and, finally, the methodical tool: a very important instrument that will guide the citizens in an interesting pathway about disinformation and fake news. The tool is available on the e-learning platform Moodle (under CEIPES’ ownership) and will be made available for download from App and PlayStore very soon. 

So, what to add? A fitting conclusion to this outstanding project. But it doesn’t end here: the tool will continue to be updated! It is already available in English, Lithuanian, German and Italian. 

Let us continue to fight together against fake news: only media literacy and the joint effort of all will succeed in stopping this phenomenon! 

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