An handbook about SpLD for VET Teachers

An handbook about SpLD for VET Teachers

The 2nd transnational meeting of the project TI4PES (Teaching ICT for people with Special Learning Disorders), that took place in Warsaw (Poland) on 16th and 17th May 2018. The project is fund by Europan Commission (Erasmus+ program, KA2, Strategic Partnership). The...
Using ICT in Music Education-VIII Project Meeting

Using ICT in Music Education-VIII Project Meeting

Today 16th May 2018, CEIPES achieved the three-day-partner meeting hosted  by our Turkish Partners “Konak Halk Eğitim Müdürlüğü Ve Akşam Sanat Okulu/ Konak Ala” in the beautiful location of Izmir-Turkey. The meeting is the VII transnational meeting...
30 exercises for the use of 3D printing

30 exercises for the use of 3D printing

On 17th and 18th of April it took place the 2nd transnational meeting of the project “Secondary Education for and through the 3D Printing” (or simply 3D4KIDS). The project is aimed to the promotion of using 3D printers in secondary schools and it is financed by...

Nuovi arrivi al CEIPES con You.REC!

Il CEIPES è lieto di dare il suo caloroso benvenuto ai due nuovi volontari, Enzo e Maria, che svolgeranno il loro Servizio Volontario Europeo per 6 mesi, all’interno del progetto “ You.Rec – Youth Run Europe with Creativity”. Conosciamoli meglio! Maria, 27 anni,...
Change Yourself, not Climate!

Change Yourself, not Climate!

Name of the project: Change Yourself, Not Climate Duration: 12 months Applicant Organization: Governatorate of Manisa (Turkey) Partner Organization: CEIPES (Italy) Financed by: European Union Action: CapacityBuilding in theField of Climate Change in Turkey Grant...