On 17th and 18th of April it took place the 2nd transnational meeting of the project “Secondary Education for and through the 3D Printing” (or simply 3D4KIDS). The project is aimed to the promotion of using 3D printers in secondary schools and it is financed by European Commission within Erasmus+ program, Key Action 2 (Strategic Partnership for innovation and the Exchange of good practices).

Thanks to this meeting the partners could discuss about the start of art of the project, especially about:

  • the development of 30 exercises that will be tested in the schools of 4 different countries
  • the graphics and the website template that will be adopted for the project
  • the models for a database of schools and companies (3D printing providers), aimed to create a network among stakeholders.

The meeting has highlighted a great advancement within the project milestones to reach the proposed results (this is a 3 years long project).

The project activities are carried out by the following organizations: Furness Academy (United Kingdom), IES José Luis Castillo-Puche (Spain), Srednja šola za oblikovanje Maribor (Slovenia), CEIPES (Italy), CETEM (Spain), STYRIAN TECHNOLOGY PARK (Slovenia), Pristálica (Spain).

Moreover, it is participating as associated partner the Secondary school “Giosuè Carducci” from Bagheria (PA).

For further information about the project, please visit this page or follow the facebook page and twitter page.

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