The i-protect logo contest is on!

The i-protect logo contest is on!

CEIPES and the i-Protect Consortium has launched the logo contest of the i-protect project! The selected logo will be used as the official symbol of the project, and the creator of the image will win not other than 1.000,00 EUR. The i-protect project has started in...
21st International Congress of the Panathlon International

21st International Congress of the Panathlon International

Our colleague Zsofia Toth has been present on the 21st International Congress of the Panathlon International which took place in Florence 15 June and focused on ‘Education in and through sport – Connecting values, physical literacy and wellbeing’. Zsofia was one of...
II. Transnational meeting of the “BIG CEFA”

II. Transnational meeting of the “BIG CEFA”

CEIPES representatives were again in Berlin for the II Transnational Project Meeting of the “BIG CEFA  – Breaking the Glass Ceiling for Women Adminstrators” project, financed by the Erasmus+ programme. The meeting was held on the 28th and 29th July and...
II Transnational meeting of SWING project

II Transnational meeting of SWING project

The 2nd transnational Meeting of Swing project took place in Budapest on 18th and 19th of July 2018. All the partner organizations took part of this amazing moment in which they could discuss about the activities carried out in these first 9 months of the Project....
Project “Using ICT in Music Education” concluded in Coimbra!

Project “Using ICT in Music Education” concluded in Coimbra!

During 12th and 13th July 2018, in Coimbra (Portugal), in  APCC-Associaçao de Paralisia Celebral de Coimbra  premises, the european project Using ICT in Music Education, financed by European Commission and part of the Erasmus+ program,  has come to its end. Consortium...