CAMPLUS –  The first version of the e-learning platform published!  

The consortium of  CAMPLUSEmpowerment for migrants – from camps to integration – project partnership has developed an e-learning webapp that enables the development of a learning form that supports the target group of the project.  

The main goal is to promote the individual educational and professional growth of adults to equally promote professional flexibility and mobility. The focus is on the exploration, validation, and assessment of skills that are brought together in education and work as well as in a broader life context.  

The platform will be translated in all partner languages, French, Kurdish, Greek, and German, while the Italian version is ready to be navigated. Thus, it will be evaluated and used in the camps appropriately. 

Moreover, the e-learning platform is designed in a way to be accessible and inclusive, so that each individual can manage to go through the seven modules without external supports. 

For other target groups and interested third parties, the partnership has created a demonstration course containing all the other intellectual outputs and results of the project produced so far while also presenting the outline of the base course that the refugees will work with. It can be accessed here.

The full course features can only be accessed in the courses that the migrants will be working with (secured with a password so no third party can access it).  

For more information about the CAMPLUS project, please visit and follow the official social media on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and X

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