BIOS4YOU AR 2.0 – A new project with new goals!

The BIOS4YOU AR 2.0 (KA220-BW-23-30-126516) project partners meeting took place on the 30th of January 2024, and the for the first time in Germany in the city of Karlsruhe to plan the next activities. The project is made up with six partners of which three are university institutions KIT from Germany, KTU from Lithuania and UNIPA from Italy and one school Tallinna Kesklinna Vene gümnaasium from Estonia and finally two non-profit organisations, CEIPES ETS from Italy and EDUACT from Greece.  

The BIOS4YOU AR 2.0 project has many ambitions, above all, it has the responsibility to continue to develop materials of the same high quality as those produced in the previous BIOS4YOU project, which was optimally completed in 2022. 

In this regard, the main objective of the new project is to sensitise young students to STEAM issues related to Bio Sciences, Bio-Engineering, Bio-Architecture, Bio-Technology, Bio-Photonics and create innovative educational materials thanks to the use of new AR technologies in such a way as to make all much more engaging both from the point of view of learning and teaching by teachers. 

Currently, the consortium is conducting research to develop a document that will ensure the transfer of knowledge about the basics of Augmented Reality technology to teachers in the STEAM sector. In fact, it will explore how AR technology can be applied in the STEM sector for high school teachers. 

Soon there will also be the possibility, for teachers, to participate to an online course in English on the use of Augmented Reality in their  classrooms. 

Stay tuned to our channels for all the latest news on this exciting new project. 

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