In the beautiful city of Barcelona, CEIPES team recently attended an intense and enriching training, “Effective and efficient management of EU funded projects” as part of the Staff Mobility 2021 project (project code:2021-1-IT02-KA121-ADU-000005459).
The 5-days of training, from 24th to 28th of July, was held by the organization ShipCon Limassol Ltd, that has long and extensive experience in EU projects management, education, and training.
This staff Mobility was focused on improving one’s management skills on EU projects in an efficient and effective manner. The range of topics covered the main areas of a project management: documentation, administrative tools and reporting system, project monitoring and evaluation checks, assessment of the risks and mitigation plans and project cycle management. The training days were structured into theoretical parts, combined with practical exercises, both in groups and individuals.
The trainer was structured in a way for participants to learn more about the development of a project proposal, the development of the project one approved, until the final evaluation. The trainer invites the attendees to consider the perspective of the evaluators, with the EU commission priorities and criteria of evaluation.
It was a good opportunity for CEIPES to develop management skills and to share its experience with other experts from all Europe, such as teachers and project managers.
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