The Adult Learning Providers’ project starts in Croatia


On the 15th and 16th of November partners from Greece (Asset), Croatia (Institution Dante), Italy (CEIPES), and the Associations for Adult Education in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic met for the first time in Rijeka, Croatia, for the “QUALTRACK- Quality rating system for Adult Learning Providers” project.

QUALTRACK- Quality rating system for Adult Learning Providers” is an Erasmus+ KA2 Adult project (Project number: 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-ADU-000035354)  aimed at developing a quality rating model for adult learning Institutions and providers, which the main objective is to propose a new quality rating system that will comprehensively validate the criteria of educational institutions and develop quality elements. It can also promote the educational institution based on a quality label and give clear information to customers about price and quality ratio.

The project’s activities will include Specification on the Quality rating model for adult learning institutions; five Transnational meetings; Methodology and methodology-related documents; Pilot preparation; Online tools and Pilot rollout and evaluations.

The first day of the partners’ meeting was dedicated to presenting partners and the adult education system in different countries. What emerges from the partnership is the lack of institutionalization and quality assurance policies. It appears more as a free market based on supply and demand. The topic is sure of public interest and a quality rating system is an important tool for the realization of social development goals.

The second-day Partners discussed online tools to be used, quality assurance and monitoring of the project, and the next steps. The consortium had the chance to work but also share cultural values and enjoy free time. The next online meeting it’s already set to keep on track!

CEIPES will be responsible for the piloting rollout and evaluations expected to take place in April 2023.

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