WoW Europe

Project Number: 623004-EPP-1-2020-1-RO-SPO-SNCESE
Timespan of the Project: 01.11.2020 – 31.10.2021

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Financial Program: Erasmus + Sport – Not-for-profit European sport Events

The project will be on the promotion of physical education and sport, especially for primary and secondary school children, with the help of great athletes – national, European, World and Olympic champions, to encourage children to practice sports and physical activity, for a healthy lifestyle and a harmonious development – awareness of the importance of sport in their daily lives, but and attracting them to the sport of performance, by encouraging participation in sports and physical education activities.


Organization of various sporting events aimed at children and young people in which elite high-level athletes from different sports will participate

  • Increase in sports participation of children and young people in the participating countries
  • Increase in the number of sporting events organized in collaboration with schools
  • Greater involvement and sports participation at school level
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