V.E.G.A. – Visualizing European Goals through Arts 

Project Number: 2023-2-PT02-KA220-YOU-000173593
Timespan of the Project: 01/06/2024 – 31/05/2026

Project E-mail: info@ceipes.org

Financial Program: Erasmus+ KA220 YOU

The project aims to:

  • Raising awareness among young people about European policies that address them, in particular, the European Youth Goals. 
  • The creation by young people of five visual art pieces (comics, graffiti, photography, graphic and video art) as informative tools for their peers and the community. This way, young people can develop personal skills while simultaneously being active citizens.  

The project will engage in the following activities:

  • An International Training for young people and youth workers on the EYG. 
  • Exchanges of knowledge among young people about the EYG. 
  • Local workshops about visual arts. 
  • Creation of at least 5 informative artworks. 
  • 5 local exhibitions for the artworks created in each country. 
  • A virtual exhibition for all the art pieces created during the project. 

The project will yield the following results:

  • Acquisition of knowledge and new skills for youth and youth workers through the practical application of non-formal educational methodologies. 
  • Increased awareness of European policies for young people. 
  • increased social awareness regarding young people, youth workers and their needs for stakeholders, institutions and local communities. 
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Agência Nacional Erasmus+ Juventude/Desporto e Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade. Neither the European Union nor the Portuguese National Agency can be held responsible for them.
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