Re-Construct: Life & Mind Together
Project Number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080317
Timespan of the Project: 31/12/2020 – 30/06/2023
Project E-mail:
Financial Program: Pragramme Erasmus+
- To improve the coping and “re-construction” skills of adults in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- To improve the capacity of adult education specialists to provide systematized and monitored support in crisis situations worldwide.
- To improve the capacity of 5 NGOs in the field of non-formal education education from 5 European countries to provide psychological support and to support civil society in post-crisis reconstruction.
The partners will develop a psychological intervention for emergency situations in the form of a mobile application and a website, and participate in a training activity to become facilitators and specialists in intervention in crisis and post-crisis situations in the 5 partner countries.
- A psychological support curricula for disaster situations
- The Re-Construct digital toolkit
- a mobile application
- a web platform
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