PADIGE – Participatory Design of Initiatives on Gender Equality

Project Number: 2020-3-FR02-KA205-018465
Timespan of the Project: 01-04-2021 / 31-03-2023

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The specific objectives of the project are:

  • To raise the awareness about the European Citizens Initiative as an instrument of European “direct democracy”;
  • To provide high quality trainings and tools for Participatory Design of ECIs by using an innovative approach, such as the creation of a blended learning programme and the development of a wiki platform;
  • To raise awareness among young people about the importance of Gender Equality;
  • To provide civic engagement opportunities to disadvantaged young people;
  • To have an impact on the EU law creation by presenting a new proposal based on the concept of Participatory Design.
  • 3 transnational meetings;
  • 6 multiplier events;
  • Youth focus group thanks to which they will express their opinion about the structure of the final platform;
  • Development of software specifications and operational requirements;
  • Development of the platform;
  • Awareness raising campaign To attract more youths in participating in the platform;
  • Development of learning resources & teaching guidelines;
  • 2 pilots: one for the platform and one for the guide;
  • Organization of webinars with youth workers.

The expected results of the project are:

  • Awareness raising about the role of European Citizens Initiative in the European Union law framework. As the partnership has identified from the needs analysis, knowledge about ECI is not well spread among young people in Europe. PADIGE will allow young people to easily have access to this kind of “direct democracy” instrument.
  • Awareness raising of gender equality issues among youths. The central topic of the proposal created by youths will be on Gender Equality in the EU.
  • Capacity building of youths in using participatory design methodology. After the methodology is finalised through the feedback of Youth Workers during the pilot phase of their Guide, it will be uploaded on the platform in order to guide its users through the creation of an ECI proposal;
  • Platform The platform will be a system of participatory design and editing, including several innovative features.;
  • Guide targeting Youth Workers. Its objective is to enable youth workers
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