IoToAI – From Internet of Things to Artificial Intelligence

Project Number: 2019-1-UK01-KA202-061934
Timespan of the Project: 01-10-2019 / 30-09-2021

Project E-mail:

  • To updated VET curricula related with ICT with demanded, digital skills specially related with AI, IoT, Cloud and blockchain, by different business sectors.
  • To empowered the SSH higher education curricula by the knowledge of non-high technical skills in AI and big data analysis.
  • To deliver digital strategies in businesses Skill for technical workers (especially in the field of VET) to undertake digital strategies in a broad range of business.
  • To provide the VET teachers with right tools identifying the pedagogical model for the teacher training
  • To combine the best innovative examples and practices of different countries.
  • Analyse national VET curricula related with ICT to see how they can be updated with digital skills that are in demand specially related with AI, IoT and Cloud in different business sectors
  • Analyse SSH higher education curricula that could be improved by the knowledge of non high technical skills in AI and big data analysis.
  • up skill non-technical highly qualified workers to deliver digital strategies in businesses related to their background ) to undertake digital strategies in a broad range of business.
  • Provide VET tutors with right tools to identify the pedagogical model for teacher training.
  • Skill needs report for VET authorities
  • IoTOAIVET academic curriculum design and development
  • ToolKit for blended Learning in VET
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