Inclusion For Healthy Generations

Project Number: 613538-EPP-1-2019-1-BG-SPOSSCP
Timespan of the Project:  01-01-2020 / 30-06-2021

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Financial Program: Cofunded by Erasmus+ Sport Programme, Small collaborative partnership

“Inclusion for Healthy Generations” aims to encourage the social inclusion of people of any age, gender and background through their participation in sport activities and at the same time to raise awareness of the key role of sport in education for an healthy lifestyle and in the health promotion.


During the month of June 2020 the partnership will analyse the respective local communities in order to collect data on people’s commitment to sports and the popularity of physical activities to identify how much the healthy lifestyle is popular among the members of the communities, and which activities they practice the most during the daily life. The results of the research will allow us to plan sports activities aimed at social inclusion and health promotion suitable for users and to build local partnerships to improve the professional network.


Overview of the country situation; sports activities aimed at social inclusion and health promotion suitable for users and to build local partnerships to improve the professional network.

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