Hu-Volution: Human-centric revolution of the habitat: learning to design for the new Bauhaus and Society 5.0

Project Number: 2022-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000088443
Timespan of the Project: 01/11/2022 – 31/10/2024

Project E-mail:

  • Awareness European society and HE system about the necessity of a human-centric approach on habitat design to address current world challenges expressed in the NEB.
  • Define the necessary competencies and skills for designers towards more sustainable, aesthetic and inclusive places, aligned with the NEB initiative for the Society5.0; and gather it in a Joint Curriculum tailored for HE organisations.
  • Launch a pioneer training resource, free and open to any HE organization and their past/current/future students, on the three key aspects to achieve the principles of the NEB and Society 5.0: life-centric perspective, functionality and sustainability.
  • Give support to European universities to adapt their current training offer to up/reskill their students for the future habitat design, through lifelong learning courses based on the developed materials.
  • Break borderlines among industry and HE system, creating common methods and skills that will allow to increase the quality of both the HE offers and the industry performance, and to build capacity to work transnationally and across sectors.
  • Developed promotional resources and activities that will support the achievement of project results, while ensuring a wide project impact.
  • Improvement of the HE system, the readiness for the green transition, or the contribution to the digital learning transformation.
  • A competency map and Joint Curriculum for the NEB and Society 5.0 readiness on habitat design.
  • HU-VOLUTION training resources and practical exercises (coursebook, video pills, game-based exercises, etc.), adapted to EQF.
  • HU-VOLUTION e-training platform, free and massively available, where future students will do the proposed training and get a micro-credential.
  • A guide for the implementation of HU-VOLUTION results by HE organisations, based on a training test experience carried out in the framework of the project.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
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