ALL HANDS ON DECK European work heritage in shipwright for present and future

Project Number: 2019-1-ES01-KA204-065201
Timespan of the Project: 02-12-2019 / 01-12-2021

Project E-mail:

Financial Program: Erasmus+ Programme – KA2- Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
  • To promote the study of shipwright job position to adult learners who were worked in close sectors like furniture, upholstery, carpentry, wood workers, above all to long-term unemployed workers beyond 45 years who could have the risk of work exclusion
  • To spread the importance of the shipwright job position and preservation of this immaterial heritage
  • To update the professionals’ knowledge on knowing how to be effective mentors
  • To attract new young learners to this job position to ensure their continuity in the future. Adult learners who will have mentoring skills thanks to this project are an attraction tool for the next generations
  • To increase the demand of wood boats and preserve the important effort of shipwrights around Europe
    It will be included the aspect of boosting the recovery of building of wood crafts to preserve the environment
  • To preserve the heritage around Europe which it is clue in some maritime areas and it deserves to be protected because safeguarding an intangible cultural heritage means transferring knowledge, techniques and meanings in order to transmit to future generations
  • To create an online repository with clue documents relating shipwright around Europe; Leader: UM
  • To design and develop training course for shipwright in every maritime area including potential adjustments from close sectors
  • To create a mentoring course for intergeneration training to preserve immaterial cultural heritage of shipwright job position around Europe
  • Online repository with clue documents relating with shipwright around Europe
  • Designed and developed adult training course for shipwright in every maritime area including potential adjustments from related sectors
  • Mentoring course for intergenerational training to preserve immaterial cultural heritage of shipwright job position around Europe
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