NEWECOSMART – CEIPES and UniNapoli organize an Online Workshop for the project

As part of the NewEcoSmart project, an online workshop titled “Dual Transition and Innovation for the Habitat Sector in Rural Areas” was held on May 14th.

The event, lasting an hour and a half, addressed the topics of Green and Digital Transition from various perspectives, with a particular focus on the challenges for rural areas and the Habitat sector. The theme was further explored through several presentations that highlighted different levels of analysis on the subject.

First, Professor Attaianese (UniNa) extensively discussed the concept of ‘habitat’ and explained how it applies in the context of rural areas, offering important insights on the topic.

Following her, Professor Angrisani spoke on the topic of digital transition, analyzing both the potential difficulties and opportunities for rural areas in this global process.

The second part of the event featured direct interventions from representatives of the territory of the Italian pilot site and neighboring areas, where the co-thinking process will take place in the next phase of the project.

Mayor G. Angelilli, the mayor of Pacentro (AQ), which, together with other municipalities of the Majella Madre Green Community, constitutes the reference territory and pilot site for the Italian territory, spoke next. Representatives from ASL Abruzzo and the University of Roma Tor Vergata also participated, engaging in a discussion aimed at finding further synergies with the territory and other projects.

To stay updated on the project’s results and upcoming activities, we invite you to visit the project website and LinkedIn page.

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