MY SWEET SMART HOME – The consortium launches the first result of the project!

My Sweet Smart Home project (2021-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000033058) aims to create better life conditions for people with some type of disability, focusing on their daily life and achieving a more autonomous, independent and healthy life through the use of smart home technologies. 

The consortium is pleased to announce the launch of a Guide to needs, problems, interests and solutions in the own home for people with a physical, mental, sensory, neurological or organic disability. Partners have developed a research methodology consisting of conduction of interviews, observations in real environments and roundtables with professional, experts and people with different kind of physical or learning disabilities. 

Thanks to all the valuable information gathered after this research, partners analised all the feedbacks and perspectives received to develop 7 reports/guidelines with problems, solutions and recommendations for each group’s own smart home.

All this material can be found as an open and free resource on the project website, available in several languages (English, German, Spanish, Italian, French and Greek). Below it is presented the English version: 

Detailed reports (bonus, English).  

Reports for the general public.  

Recommendations to the industry.  

The next step is the development of a Course for adapting Smart Homes for independency and autonomy of people with disability. Don’t lose any project update following its social media accounts: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn

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