LET’S TALK ABOUT CHILDREN – Empowering Practitioners during the First Trainer Session

In a significant milestone for the Let’s Talk About Children (LTC) project, the first training session for practitioners was conducted by CEIPES in Palermo on September 19th, at Cruillas school.

This training session marked the beginning of an exciting journey towards promoting positive parenting and enhancing the mental well-being of families, particularly those in vulnerable situations. 

The LTC project encompasses actions designed to support positive parenting in families facing unique challenges, such as parents in mental health services. Additionally, it takes a universal approach by introducing LTC in primary and secondary school settings. The goal is to equip professionals and educators with the tools and knowledge necessary to make a positive impact on the lives of children and families. 

20 participants, including primary and secondary school teachers and mental health professionals such as psychologists, pedagogists, and psychiatric rehabilitation technicians, attended this first training session. The training was led by the creator of the LTC method, Tytti Solantaus, and LTC trainer Emmi Riihiranta-Laine. 

During this enriching training session, a variety of topics were covered, including the structure of LTC method training, a brief history of LTC, an overview of the current situation, research evidence supporting the efficacy of the method, background theory, LTC discussions, network-building opportunities, logbooks, role-play demonstrations of LTC, and interactive discussions and feedback sessions. 

Participants’ enthusiasm and commitment during the training session were evident. They are left eager to continue their educational journey throughout the project’s implementation phase. Many expressed their desire to become LTC trainers, driven by a passion to apply this innovative methodology in supporting more families and training more professionals.

This initial session marked a significant stride towards realizing the LTC project’s vision of empowering individuals, improving family dynamics, and nurturing positive mental health outcomes for vulnerable children and families. As the project unfolds, the dedicated practitioners’ impact is poised to be substantial and widespread. 

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