LET’S TALK ABOUT CHILDREN – A Milestone Meeting in Milan

On June 12 – 13th, Milan hosted a pivotal meeting for the Let’s Talk About Children In Europe (LTC) project, organized by Niguarda Hospital and Contatto association. All thirteen partner organizations participated, unified in their mission to promote children’s mental health and prevent potential issues through the evidence-based LTC intervention. 

Let’s Talk About Children (LTC) is a short-term intervention designed to enhance children’s mental health, especially during adversity. The Milan meeting focused on key themes, including updates on training activities and workshops by each partner organization. Partners shared their experiences, methods, and initial outcomes, ensuring consistency and quality in the project’s implementation. 

The meeting also highlighted inspiring moments, with partners sharing pictures and stories that showcased the dedication of trainers and the positive impact on participants. Discussions covered the units and professionals trained, cultural challenges, and solutions, fostering a deeper understanding of cultural sensitivity in implementing LTC. 

CEIPES shared the journey of 13 practitioners trained in Sicily, from mental health and education sectors, demonstrating remarkable progress.  

Future steps discussed included an update on practitioners, trainers, and families reached, and preparation for the interim report to the European Commission. 

The Milan meeting was a milestone, offering insights to shape the project’s next phases. CEIPES remains dedicated to promoting children’s mental health, contributing to the project’s success and making a lasting impact on families across Sicily. 

For more information on the project next steps, visit Let’s Talk About Children In Europe website and follow the project social media pages on Twitter and Facebook.

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