INCLU-AGEING – Consortium Releases Policy Recommendations to Support Aging Adults with Disabilities 

The Inclu-Ageing project has reached a significant milestone with the finalization of its Policy Recommendation Report (R5). Through an in-depth exploration of national, regional, and local laws, the project seeks to tackle significant gaps and challenges within this domain. 

Caring for a family member with a disability can be emotionally, financially, and physically demanding. From navigating complex healthcare systems to managing daily tasks and providing emotional support, family members often face significant challenges in meeting the needs of their loved ones. These challenges are compounded by factors such as limited access to support services, financial strain, and social stigma. That’s why the Inclu-ageing consortium developed various (Toolkit the Parental Education Guidebook, the educational videos and the HUB) deliverables aimed to the same goal: supporting ageing adults with disabilities and their caregivers. 

The policy report, based on extensive research and consultation with stakeholders, identifies several key findings: 

1. Lack of Comprehensive Support: Many families report a lack of access to comprehensive support services, including respite care, counselling, and financial assistance. This results in increased stress and burnout among caregivers. 

2. Financial Strain: The financial burden of caring for a family member with a disability can be significant, with expenses related to medical care, specialized equipment, and home modifications often exceeding available resources. 

3. Limited Access to Information: Families may struggle to access accurate and timely information about available support services, rights, and entitlements, leading to feelings of confusion and isolation. 

4. Emotional Impact: Providing care for a family member with a disability can take a toll on caregivers mental and emotional well-being, leading to increased levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. 

Based on these findings, the policy report puts forward a series of laws and initiatives aimed at supporting family members of people with disabilities, both at national and international level, which are often unknown.  

In conclusion, the policy report underscores the importance of supporting family members of people with disabilities to ensure the well-being of both caregivers and care recipients. By implementing the recommendations outlined in the report, governments, healthcare providers, and community organizations can help empower families to provide the best possible care and support for their loved ones with disabilities. Ultimately, by investing in family support services, society can foster greater inclusion, dignity, and quality of life for individuals with disabilities and their families. 

The Policy report is available on the project website and here.

Don’t forget to discover the related poster and the project Facebook page! 

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