CORE – Carbon Offsetting modules are tested with teachers

Boosting the framework of sustainable education in schools, the project C.O.R.E. (2022-1-FI01-KA220-SCH-000090192) financed by the European Commission, has finally hosted a Learning Teaching and Training activity with teachers and partners from the 6 countries of the consortium.  

The training’s purpose has been to involve educators in the familiarization with the Educational Modules produced by the partnership in the previous work packages as well as the supporting material and the Virtual Enterprise Guide.  

 As they will be the bridge between the partners and the students, their feedback has proved to be a meaningful way to analyse in-depth what challenges students could face when approaching a new topic such as carbon offsetting and net-zero entrepreneurship. They will be involved in the piloting phases from January on, exploring the following project’s chapters: 

  1. Climate change and the of human activities, explaining how we entered the Era of Anthropocene and what are the effects on the planet boundaries; 
  1. Carbon emissions and fossil fuels, detailing the relation between fossil fuels and economic growth in the modern era as well as basic notions of carbon offsetting; 
  1. Carbon Offsetting at school, focused on how CO2 emissions can be reduced by explaining strategies and methodologies viable for students; 
  1. Entrepreneurship basics, conceived to outline what are the keys to a successful entrepreneurship model and a swot analysis case. 
  1. Finally, a module intertwining carbon offsetting with entrepreneurship, the very ultimate goal of the five modules entailing all the prior knowledge acquired. 

Strong with this knowledge, students will experience how to drive transformation and change in the future honing their resilience and mindset relevant to areas, which are strategic for sustainable growth. Stay tuned to know more!  

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